How Not to Be a Douche Bag at a Trade Event

From SXSW:

One of the first sessions I went to at SXSW interactive was called “How Not to Be a Douche Bag at SXSW” hosted by @violetblue and @edrabbit.

Now these are good guidelines for any trade show, convention or business conference you attend. I have sometimes stepped over this line and been a douche […]

By |March 13th, 2010|Business|Comments Off on How Not to Be a Douche Bag at a Trade Event

The Real March Madness: Off to SXSW with 29,000 Passionate People

I am off today to SXSW (South By Southwest) in Austin. 29,000 people attend this Music, Film and Interactive Conference.

I will be attending the interactive conference where they will feature the best of emerging technology, social media and a who’s who of the industry.

Being a noob, […]

By |March 12th, 2010|Business, Small Business|Comments Off on The Real March Madness: Off to SXSW with 29,000 Passionate People