
I finally made the big switch to the iPhone. I have absolutely hated the T-Mobile Dash since I purchased it a year ago. I was trying to stay with T-Mobile and get on a Windows platform when I bought the dash last year. It is probably the worst piece of technology I have […]

By |August 10th, 2008|Business, Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on iHappy

It’s a Contract, Until It Isn’t in Paragraph 7

I have never been a big fan of contracts. There are very few times in business where it would actually make sense to sue someone over violation of that contract. But, contracts are a good thing to set expectations of both parties in terms of cost, products or services delivered, etc. Contracts are in place […]

By |July 6th, 2008|Business, Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on It’s a Contract, Until It Isn’t in Paragraph 7