What I Am Thankful For- 2018 Edition

Every year I write in this space what I am thankful for on Thanksgiving. Here is what is on my list this year:

  1. That my family-  Ethan, Daniel, and Sara are all together in one place for this day.
  2. Cycling out in the sunshine along Lake Michigan.
  3. That more people voted in a midterm election […]
By |November 18th, 2018|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on What I Am Thankful For- 2018 Edition

What I Am Still Thankful For





(Thanksgiving post where I always talk about what I am thankful for.)

I am struggling with my words this year because of the unprecedented rancor of the presidential election.

Quite frankly, I am questioning what the future of America now looks like.  I have been in a funk these […]

By |November 19th, 2016|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on What I Am Still Thankful For

What are you thankful for?

American Thanksgiving is always a good time to pause and think about what we are thankful for. This is an especially important thing to do during these difficult and stressful economic times.  It gives an all important perspective on our life as a whole.

What I am thankful for this year:

1. I can financially support my family […]

What are you thankful for?

At Thanksgiving, my extended family always sits around in an all American Norman Rockwell fashion and tell each other what we are thankful for…kind of a silly tradition by I like it, especially since my wife writes down in a book and tells us what we said 5 years ago.

What am I thankful for this […]

By |November 21st, 2007|Small Business|Comments Off on What are you thankful for?