5 Tips for Disconnecting from Work on Vacation

work-on-vacationWe all say we need a vacation, but why is it that when we finally do get a vacation our work comes with us? Well, because businesses don’t take vacations (unless it’s a permanent one…). There is always work to do.

While it might be a necessity to […]

By |September 25th, 2014|Small Business|Comments Off on 5 Tips for Disconnecting from Work on Vacation

Gone Fishin’ for Zombies

“Out of the Office”

“Not Home”

“In the Car”

“Just Not Reachable”

These used to be the words we could use to say when we could not be reached. This was before cell phones and pdas. Back then, there were times (maybe better times?) that you just could not be in contact with a person. There were natural breaks […]

By |August 22nd, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Gone Fishin’ for Zombies