Things to Consider Now That You’re Working from Home

This guest post is provided by Rob Teitelman.

Did your office embrace work-from-home measures last year? Now more than a year into the pandemic, these temporary policies aren’t looking as short-term as they did at the outset. In fact, most CEOs believe work-from-home options are here to stay.

If you’ll be working from home for the […]

By |June 3rd, 2021|Business|Comments Off on Things to Consider Now That You’re Working from Home

Hoffice: The New Face of Co-working Space

Hoffice Image from

If you’ve ever worked from home, you know it can be lonely. If you’ve ever worked from a coffee shop, you know it can be noisy and inconvenient. If you’ve ever considered renting a desk in a co-working space, you know it can be expensive.

What […]

By |April 8th, 2015|Business|Comments Off on Hoffice: The New Face of Co-working Space