It has been four years since my last book came out, You Need to Be Alittle Crazy: The Truth About Starting and Growing a Business. During that period of time, I have talked to alot of media people. So when I started to receive the real hard cover copies of my new book, Bounce! to send to the press, I began to email my large press database. I was amazed to find out how many of them “bounced” (and that’s not a good thing in this context). I realized that the media in general and the people at the specific media outlets has changed alot in the last four years. Media choices are so much more varied- blogs, social media, and video are so widerspread. Getting the word out about this book is totally different than it was in 2004. There is so many more choices but alot more clutter and noise to rise above in order to get notice. We have lots of good promotional things we are doing and if you have ideas, please let me know!