What I am Thankful For 2023

I always use this blog annually to say what I am thankful for. There is always plenty and this year is no different.

  1. My oldest son, Ethan is marrying a wonderful woman, Alice in April 2024.
  2. I was fortunate to take another vacation (as seen above) with my family and this year we journeyed to […]

Smart Launches Start Here: Best Practices in Market Research

This post is contributed by Julie Morris

Embarking on a journey to introduce a new product or service without exhaustive market analysis is like navigating a maze blindfolded. A lack of research can lead to costly mistakes and missed opportunities. To guide you through this complex landscape, this article presents an eight-step plan for comprehensive market […]

By |November 13th, 2023|Sales and Marketing|Comments Off on Smart Launches Start Here: Best Practices in Market Research

Just How Should A New Programmer Get Started In 2024?

This article is contributed by Jason Dirkham.

While some may assume AI tools are all but making programming and beginner programmers irrelevant, the truth is that they can be great teachers, and programmers that learn to become stable in their work and evergreen in their development likely have nothing […]

By |November 9th, 2023|Business|Comments Off on Just How Should A New Programmer Get Started In 2024?