This post is provided by Erisse Veloso

Starting a business or an LLC is a tough yet satisfying thing to do, especially if you constantly seek new adventures to grow personally and professionally. Being an entrepreneur also improves and tests your management and leadership skills. 

There are lots of potential businesses you can try to build. However, if it is not in line with your interest and capacity, it would be hard to handle and manage consistently. Take note that not all start-ups make it, but it should not scare you.

You must keep in mind that pursuing a business needs legality, if you’re going to form an LLC, be mindful that the cost will vary, like for example, if you want to know how much does a LLC cost in Louisiana, the fee for filing of Articles of Organization is $100 if you want to start a business in this state. 

If you are still on the verge of deciding what business to pursue, keep reading as we give you business insights ideas that you might want to try as a new entrepreneur.

Foods Business

If there is a trend that never goes out of style, it is food! But to be on top of the competition, you need to be innovative and do a little research about some brands that are at their peak right now. Take lessons from them and incorporate them into your start-up. You could open a bakery, food truck, catering, home-cooked meals, and even cooking class! If you are up for cooking, it will be just as easy as one, two, three. 

Educational Business

Now that some students struggle with the new setup of the education system, tutorials are their go-to resource. You can do homeschooling, one on one tutorial, online teaching, and assisting with their homework. Anything that could help them improve their learning is possible under this idea. 

Online Business

There are lots of viable online businesses you can try. You could try managing an eCommerce store and dropshipping, developing apps, selling and buying domains, creating a monetizing blog, and becoming a virtual assistant. All tasks you could do digitally could lead you to a well-performing business.

Personal Services Business

If you are interested in helping people achieve their everyday goals, then you might want to focus on giving personal services. It could be anything like house sitting, personal shopping, hairstyling, event planning, beautician, and appointment booking. If you are confident in working on their behalf, this idea is perfect for you.

These are only some business insights you can include in your options. But as a piece of advice, always pursue the one that motivates you and is your passion so it won’t be hard for you to handle in the long run.

Tips for new entrepreneurs 

Considering that you have chosen a specific business to build, you should not stop there. You might want to employ these helpful techniques in the process of developing your business.

  • Know what you are capable of and what niche are you interested in.
  • Avoid impulsive decisions concerning your business. 
  • Do not look for the most brilliant people to become the member of your team. Instead, look for the people who are always hungry to learn and humble.
  • Before you become a good leader, you should know how to follow first. 
  • Set up definite goals. 
  • Do not hinder yourself and your team from growing professionally. Provide training sessions to master the skills needed in growing your business. 

Now that you are fully equipped with business ideas and tips, it’s time to prepare yourself and clear the road for this journey of yours