I pondered this question in my upcoming book, Bounce!. There are alot of famous success college drop outs like Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Richard Branson and Steve Jobs. Lesser known ones I learned about at a site called, College-Startup.com (I love their tag line- Get Rich in Your Dorm Room). Interesting and suprising to me were Simon Cowell, Barry Diller, Walt Disney, Rachel Ray, Ty Warner and Frank Lloyd Wright. Any surprises for you?

I went to college because my parents told me that if “I wanted to get a good job, I should get a good education“…guess they were right, but no one said anything about skipping college and becoming an entrepreneur. In the late 70’s, starting your own thing was certainly frowned upon.

But going to college, does have its benefits. You can learn social skills (or is that partying skills?), working in a team, and how to prioritize tasks.

What did you learn at college that helped you in business?