This post is submitted by Jason Dirkham.

Slip and fall accidents can happen no matter where you are, but when they happen in the workplace, there is a protocol to follow to make sure that you are looked after. The situation can be quite complex if you fall down when you are in the workplace.

It is therefore important that you understand this process and you’re able to get back on your feet as soon as possible. Taking immediate action is crucial if you’re a victim of a work-related slip or fall, so let’s take a look into what steps you should be taking after a fall event in the workplace. 

  • Get some legal advice. A workplace injury lawyer Can help you to determine whether or not your slip or fall means that you should either be off work or workers compensation, or your employer has been negligent about something. After you experience a slip or a fall at work, you need to take action straight away because without that medical attention You could find yourself in bigger trouble. It’s vital that you file the workers compensation claim as early as possible. You should also ensure that you have filed a claim with your boss because they need to know what’s happened and how they can rectify the issue and stop somebody else from doing the same before. 
  • Get some medical help. Depending on the level of the four, you may need an ambulance, and if that’s the case, make sure that you have called one right away. Seeking medical attention doesn’t just allow the treatment of any injuries, but it allows for the assessment and for the acknowledgement that an injury occurred. You can then get a report written to give to an insurance company with your workplace so that they can make sure that you are paid compensation.
  • Report the injury to the right people. Speak to your boss, to your managers, and even to the CEO if necessary you need to get your workplace injury reported. There should ideally be some kind of system in place for this. You should be able to log it in an accident book and have that lodged with risk assessment. You can always request a copy of the incident report as well, which you will need for your records, for any insurance claims, or for your doctor, or even if it’s necessary, a legal team.
  • File a workers compensation claim. Once you’ve been treated by a medical team, you should make sure that you have filed a claim to cover your injury. This workers compensation could also keep you paid while you are not working. It is therefore important that you get that claim very quickly so that you can get paid as early as possible. Workplace compensation payments can take a while to come through and you don’t want it to happen to you if it can be avoided.

You should feel safe going to work, not as if something’s going to go wrong.