This post is contributed by Jason Dirkham.

All of us understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, and as businesses we have even more impact on this as it’s businesses that create the most amount of waste and pollution. Whether you run a small office or a huge factory, there are things you can do in your workplace (and in turn encourage your employees to do) that will all help to minimise the impact on our planet. Read on to find out more. 

Improve Your Lighting

Switching to energy efficient lighting, like LED or CFL bulbs, is a smart move for any business. These bulbs last longer and use less energy, saving you money and helping the environment. Whether you run an office, shop, or warehouse, this small change can have a big impact on your business and the planet. It’s an easy switch that pays off in the long run.

You could look into adjusting your lighting schedules or using sensors to automatically turn off lights in unoccupied areas which would maximize your energy savings even more. There are a ton of great smart home gadgets and tech out there these days that make these kinds of setups easy. 

Keep it Warm 

If you keep your heating systems in good shape you’ll save both energy and money. Back to the smart tech, you could use programmable thermostats to control temperatures based on when the space is in use as this avoids unnecessary energy use when no one’s around. Consider renewable heating options like solar or geothermal systems, and look into new innovations like this commercial tankless water heater which also worth considering.  

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Creating a recycling culture at work is simple and effective. Just like at home, set up bins for paper, plastic and glass and encourage everyone to reuse items like envelopes and paper to cut down on waste. Recycling at work is all about making those small, consistent efforts as these are what will add up over time. Your business could even explore partnerships with recycling programs to make sure its responsibly disposing of things like electronics waste. As a business owner you can engage employees in sustainability initiatives by organizing workshops or events that are focused on eco friendly practices, which creates a sense of collective responsibility. It can help to encourage them to continue in green initiatives both in and out of the workplace.

Cut Down Your Water Waste

Efficient water management is another aspect of creating a sustainable workplace. Fixing leaks in the office and reminding everyone to turn off taps properly reduces unnecessary water wastage. If you collect rainwater in water butts, these can be used for plants and any other greenery around your premises that you maintain instead of using the mains water. Conserving water is environmentally responsible as well as cost saving. Encourage a culture of responsibility towards water resources, as this creates a positive impact both within and outside the workplace. Just reminding people to turn off taps properly, use ‘short flush’ options on water saving toilets and more will all add up.