I received an intro letter that I thought was ingenious the other day…

"If you and I had happened to step into the same elevator this morning…the following may have taken place: We would be standing there alone in an elevator and to break an awkward silence you may have cordially said "hello"  to which I would have replied "hello how are you?"

You may have said "I’m fine" and we may have started up a conversation from that point in which I Would have mentioned that "I just finished reading your book and I loved it." You may have said “thank you”

You may have said “thank you”. And you may have asked me what I do.  I would have let you know that I’m in the business of becoming an expert on small businesses and that I sell a very high end ticket to an event called EntreLeadership for Dave Ramsey that is designed to train and equip small business owners.  You may have not really cared OR you may have thought that was interesting and offered:

“Maybe we could help each other out” to which I would have said

Sure, here’s my card.  Maybe we can do lunch sometime” To which you may have given me your card and said “Maybe so…shoot me an email and we’ll see what we can do”

The problem is:  We didn’t meet in an elevator today.  You don’t even know who I am and this is likely just one of hundreds of emails that you will receive this week.  But before you delete this email and chalk another one up to the ‘junk mail box’ let me say that I need your help.  Will you consider starting a relationship?  A relationship that could help us both in our ventures.  I’m not asking for money or too much of your time…just the chance to connect.  Our radio show has a listening audience of 2.5 million people…many of whom own a small business.  We have resources and relationships that you may see value in having a chance to network together.”