Last month, PCWORLD, listed what they thought were the 25 Worst Tech products of all time. I agree with many on the list. The one’s I love to hate:
#4 Windows Millenium: So buggy, it should be banned from the digital universe.
#7 Microsoft Bob: I loaded this product. I never understood this product.
#13 PCjr: I actually owned this one. A horrible keyboard is what I remember.
#16 Comet Cursor: Once loaded, I couldn’t get this off my PC.
What is your favorite?
OMG, Comet Cursor was the WORST! I think it’s still installed on my machine somehow :)
And don’t forget all the P2P softwares out there. It is plainly disgusting all the spywares and crapwares that are installed along with these. Worst than an old plain virus.