The New York Times had and interesting  article this morning how the bill at a business lunch has now become like Kryptonite.- In a recession, no one wants to pick up the tab! No one is grabbing to pay for it!

Well, my late step father in law, Mike Cooper always taught me to pick up the tab. Unless it is an obvious customer – vendor lunch, there are still many important reasons to do this. It shows that you value the relationship and care about the other person and their business. Furthermore, It sends an important message that you appreciate their time and conversation. How could you not feel good about the person that just picked up the tab for you?

 Relationships are about building up trust and caring over a long period of time. The simple gesture of paying a bill builds on this and it will yield returns.

If you can’t afford to pick up the tab for lunch or dinner, try breakfast. Meet for a cup of coffee and pay for that. Pick a place that you can afford. It will mean just as much!

How often do you pick up the tab? is it less now in a recession or do you meet less over a meal?