[Guest: Katherine] Compassionate Customer Service?

Barry asked me to write one blog a week, so I’ve been sitting in front of my computer wondering what I should write (although I’m sure Barry won’t be surprised to see that I’m blogging early in the morning). Am I going to bring down the tone of his blog? What if I’m horrendously off-topic? […]

By |January 26th, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service, Small Business|Comments Off on [Guest: Katherine] Compassionate Customer Service?

Community Customer Service

Sometimes, crazy customer service is about caring and being part of the community. Case in point, this morning, I was waiting in the pouring rain for a taxi while on the way to the airport on a corner where my dry cleaners is. As I was waiting, the owner of my dry cleaners comes out […]

By |January 8th, 2008|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Community Customer Service

Put Down That Cell Phone And Give Me Crazy Customer Service

On another rant…

I get tired of competing with the person’s personal cell phone when I either am waiting to order at a fast food counter or in a small convenience store. Tonight, I went to Cosi to get a sandwich. The person taking my order, graciously put down his cell phone to take my order (I […]

By |December 16th, 2007|Customer Experience, Customer Service|Comments Off on Put Down That Cell Phone And Give Me Crazy Customer Service