Six I am Thankful For in 2009

1. I am thankful that this country is not in a depression. I wasn’t quite sure about that a year ago. I still live in my same house, drive the same car and I am still warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I appreciate this.

2. My clients who I have helped during […]

By |November 25th, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Six I am Thankful For in 2009

Is there Atonement in Business?

This is the time of year in my religious culture that I ask people for forgiveness. It’s part of the way that I get a fresh start in the year. Think if it as one big annual confessional. I start by apologizing to the people you may have wronged during the year knowingly or unknowingly.

But I believe that we also […]

By |September 28th, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Is there Atonement in Business?

Texting Advice from a 9 Year Old

Texting among teenagers have become ubiquitous. My sons are more likely to be looking at the screens of their phones than any other place. When I was a teenager, I asked for permission to use the phone to call my friends. My children don’t even call their friends, they text them– over 10,000 times last […]

By |September 14th, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Texting Advice from a 9 Year Old