Bored on that Flight? American Rocks!

Transcontinental flights get boring. You need to have alot of work, a good book and a good movie. On one recent flight from Sacramento to Dallas, American Airlines decided to spice it up a bit and let rising star, Sarah Jane Madrid perform her new song.

I was there to capture it on my Flip Video camera […]

By |August 6th, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Bored on that Flight? American Rocks!

Mad Men 50 Years Later


I have been doing alot of watching the AMC series, “Mad Men” on DVD this summer. It is so rare that my wife and I can find something we both like (she is not a fan of Lost or 24). “Mad Men” is about Madison avenue […]

By |July 30th, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Mad Men 50 Years Later

Why I Still Love My Country

I love July 4th. It reminds me of why I live in America. As I watch the news of our country’s economy crumble, it would be easy to grumble about our country and think about moving to another place. Although I have not been proud of many of the things this country has done especially over the last four years, […]

By |July 6th, 2009|Personal Productivity|Comments Off on Why I Still Love My Country