Gryffindor in the house!

Gryffindor in the house!

I was at the midnight showing last night of the new Harry Potter movie (the one with the Half Blood Prince). My teenage sons, who are both big fans dragged me there. I had been in Topeka yesterday speaking at Washburn University and flew back last night in time for the movie.
2,000 Muggle fans poured into 14 theatres at the Chicago location I was at – when we got there at 11:00 PM it was mobbed. It is fun to go to “an opening” to see all the enthusiastic fans and to watch the movie with them because they can appreciate all the fine points of it.
It ended at 3:00 AM, I got to bed at 4:00 AM and I was up at 7:00 AM. Feels alot like college or when I started my first business.