I have always said that I would rather be lucky than good in business. I have special superstitions in business like athletes have before they play a game. When I go to certain clients, I always park in the my “lucky” parking space. I always go through the same routine before a speaking engagement. When business seems to change everyday, these types of activities bring a certain order.

Numbers are a big deal for any business person. Usually it comes in the form of profit and loss. But, this is  a special day for all numerologists. I bet my friend, Tania Gabrielle, Celebrity Numerologist is having a field day today! So today is a big day. Besides the movie “9” and Beatles Rock Band being released today, this type of numerology is pretty rare.

For me, I remember meeting my future wife on a blind date when she live at 666 Wrightwood Avenue- I almost didn’t go. We bought a specific beach house in Michigan two years ago because it had 3 nines in its address (lucky in Chinese tradition). Both my wife and son were born on 1004.

Do you have a lucky business number?