Like many of us, I am a New Years hater. I hate having to be happy on a given night. No one is going to tell me how to feel! The best part is that I get to spend it with my brother- in- law.

I say that only because he reads the blog and I spend the night with him. This year, I also have the pleasure of my mother-in-law that evening :-(

My New Year’s Resolutions for 2007 are (even though I don’t remember what they were form 2006)

1. Publish my second book on business confidence. I started to write it in April 2004. I finished writing it today. It’s about time.

2. Publish the audio version of the second book. I don’t look forward to spending 3 days in a recording studio in New York with Seth Gershel, but I want people to be able to listen on their iPod.

3. Get more training this year: To get to that next level, I am investing in more speaker and other educational training. I have skimped on this in recent years, but the time has come. My assistant, Katherine will also have an opportunity to get some training on how to provide better marketing for speakers.

4. Get a rank promotion in Seido Karate. It’s been two years. It’s time to turn up the heat and get the promotion.

5. Take Pilates twice a week if my trainer, Heidi Milby can take it. I need help at the core. Once a week isn’t enough for this middle aged body.

Okay, those are mine. Hopefully, I will accomplish a few. What are yours?