I have always loved “Black Friday” – the day in the United States after Thanksgiving. It is the one day where you can work yourself into a buying frenzy and be considered normal. With the internet taking some of the significance out of the day, retailers are resorting to “doorbusters”- 50 to 75% off an item in their store (limit 5 to 10). As a result, people get on line sometimes the day before the store opens (at 4:00 AM)! Some stores are straightforward about how many of these sale items they have and some, well, the print is pretty small.

While I was not up a 4:00 AM and did not do any real damage. The average person buys $347.44 on this day.  I did buy later that morning (less than $200): A new winter coat for me, an new winter coat for my son, a game for my son (to be given for the holidays).

What was your experience like?