When I was growing up, we loved to listen to an Alan Sherman Song called, “Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh” about a lonely kid who went away to summer camp. Whenever, I got camp letters from my youngest son it always reminds me of this song except, Daniel’s are really short (they force them to write letters) and he is always having a great time.

This was his last letter:

‘”This is my last letter until I come home. This year was fantastic. I will tell you more when I come home“- Love, Daniel

For this, we waited weeks? I guess this is good for my IMing, game playing, Tweeting teenager.

I never went away for more than a week to camp. We couldn’t afford it and not many kids in my neighborhood did it back then. But Daniel always has had a a great experience of going to an all boys camp and being on his own. The only good part about him being away- having to tune my lost art of letter writing.

When was the last time you wrote a letter? It’s phone calls, emails, tweets, and facebook quotes. Letters take time and that’s a good thing. I need to focus when I write a letter. It’s almost like a short story. When was the last time any email or tweet was that?