I am not sure I thought I would ever write a blog post with this title, but I thought dedicating a radio show on this topic would be worthwhile.

Maybe today I am being influenced by the fact that I have run out of 24 repeats to watch and I am getting Jack Bauer withdrawal.

But, did you ever get that urge to hire a private investigator to research on a future employee? Ever want to hire a PI to find out what one of your customers are really doing?
Ever want to hire a bounty hunter to bring one of your employees back from another job? Well, today, we got the answers on exactly how to do that!

Thomas Martin, he is a private investigator and former Federal Agent. Known as “America’s PI,” Tom directs one of the nation’s top private investigative agencies composed of former supervisory federal agents. His company,  Martin Investigative Services out of Newport CA employ a network of private investigators that are former DEA, FBI, IRS, and Secret Service agents – serving all fifty states and over sixty foreign countries.

Also get his book at no charge!

We talk about:

  • When the economy goes down, our business goes up, way up. People steal time, money and products.
  • Why are background checks so important.
  • Business theft “normally” involves 20% of employees.  In 2009, it is running 80%.- how do I prevent it

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Michael Popovici  has been a private investigator since 2001. During the first 3.5 years of building my business, he was a bounty hunter. There are many comparisons between the elements of building a small business and the business of bounty hunting.

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Nancy Lynn Jarvis has been a Santa Cruz, California, Realtor for twenty years. Nancy’s work history reflects her philosophy: people should try something radically different every few years. She has now become a murder mystery writer! We discussed:

  • What would make a Realtor go from selling houses to killing people?
  • How do your clients, friends, and associates feel about being used as inspiration for suspects   and murderers?

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