Warning: This is not a business blog post. A bit touchy feely but I had to mention it.

The world is changing it seems. I don’t know what is was the last few days, but something good is coming out of the bad news in the financial sector. People on the road seem to be “kinder”. As I rushed around the last few days going with a client back and forth from Silicon Valley, a few strange occurences happened which I had never witnessed before:

1. A closed vendor at the airport gave me a bottle of water “on the house”. (They usually close up early)

2. A taxi driver stopped and gave money to a homeless man off the highway ramp. (They usually practically run them over.)

What amazed me was how it affected my travel mood (which is usually pretty lousy with all the travel indignations we need to put up with these days). After witnessing these random acts, I felt lighter, happier and kinder. It made a big difference in the day’s business.

Have you been witnessing strange acts?