I walked around today feeling like a big loser. I think everyone in Chicago did.

Like the Americans we are, we thought we would win.Las Vegas was betting with us. Like the Chicagoans we are, we thought we had “greased enough palms” to win. I mean come on, we had the A team on this one. The Obamas and Oprah! Who can resist that  star power? Well, I guess 80 of the 98 members of the International Olympic Committee did.

I don’t mind losing every once in a while, but to come in dead last? Chicago was eliminated in the first round. Geez! Now that is embarrassing to come in after Tokyo. Chicago got 18 votes in the first round and we spent, what about $70M in putting together our bid? We spent almost $4M a vote? Think of where that money could have gone?

Why did we not get the Olympics? While I was hoping to win, I picked Rio to actually get it. For it to be in South American simply proved to irresistable for the IOC members. (Although I thought we would come in second). Maybe its payback for what the international community feels about how we have behaved militarily abroad the last 8 years. We will never know.

So where does Chicago go from here? After our pity party today feeling real good and sorry for ourselves, we should follow these steps which I detail in my book, Bounce!

1. Humility– Realize that sometimes we lose despite our best efforts. Things like this can right size our ego.

2. In Failure, Give Up the Shame– Okay so we came in 4th, but we raised the money to put together a credible bid and handled ourselves respectively in the process.

3.  Realize that Failure Gives Us Choices– We were able to raise alot of corporate dollars to sponsor the bid. The committee came up with ways to build wonderful venues. Let’s use this as a basis for further economic development and planning in Chicago.

4. Let Go! and move on! After we are done feeling sorry for losing, we have to let go and move on to other things that can give us a chance at success again.

5. Set New Patient Goals. Now without the Olympics as our focus, let’s set new goals to improve the infrastructure of our city or new causes we can rally around.

6. Value Action- Above all, let’s go do something, get on a new path. Only the experience of future successes will build our confidence again.

What do you think Chicago should do to Bounce?