I began an interesting interview with Zen and Business today. This got me thinking about the 5 Fingers of Zen and how they apply to business:

1. “Always trust yourself. There is no truth outside yourself.”
I love this one. I think you need to dig down as the leader of the business and understand what the right path is for you and the company. Alot of people can help, but no one can do it for you. Additonally, there is no truth outside yourself. We all have a version of the truth that we believe. Accept this and you will save yourself alot of time arguing with others.

2. “Always start from where you are right now.”
This may seem obvious but many times during the day I keep kicking myself for something that happened hours ago or last week. It continues to influence my actions. Forget about it and move on!

3. “Always believe in the infinity of your life and the world”.
This is what I love about building businesses- you can make an impact on the world.

4. “Always direct your thoughts towards what is good, what is noble and what is true.”
A good goal to strive for and one that I struggle with every week. I accomplish the goal of doing good for others sometimes but not all the time.

5. “Always meditate for the peace of the world and the happiness of all beings.”
Enough said.