I received an email the other day to see if I wanted to buy this vanity number. The “Barry” behind this number said he was selling it because he was switching businesses. He was contacting other “Barry-s” on the web to see if they wanted to buy it. I asked him how much he thought he would sell it for. He told me he expected it to fetch 5 figures….greater than $10,000?

I don’t get it. I think that vanity phone numbers are dead for two reasons. First of all, alot of cell phones/PDAs like mine do not have letters on their numbered keyboards so it is impossible to dial by name even if you remember it. Furthermore, speed dials, data bases, dial history, and text search on phones make it so easy to dial a phone number by person that we do not even have to remember the telephone any longer . I might use a vanity number if I did alot of bill board advertising but I would probably buy a vanity URL instead. What do you think?